Mr. Stephen Cital – Cannabinoid Medicine
About Stephen Niño Cital RVT, RLAT, SRA, CVPP, VTS- LAM (Res. Anesthesia)

Stephen Cital is a multiple credentialed veterinary technician specialist with a focus on anesthesia, analgesia and cannabinoid medicine. He is a laboratory manager at Stanford University School of Medicine in the department of Neurobiology and is currently building a neurobiology and pain management clinic with a colleague in San Francisco, CA. Stephen serves on multiple boards/committees, is a key opinion leader for pharmaceutical/device companies, COO for the Veterinary Anesthesia Nerds, and Veterinary Cannabinoid Academy. He believes strongly in promoting diversity and veterinary technician elevation within the industry.
Presentation Synopsis
1. The Endocannabinoid System: Ancient history in modern times
2. Introduction to the Endocannabinoidome in Medicine and Cannabinoid Pharmacology
3. Current Literature Review of Cannabinoids in Veterinary Species
4. Cannabinoids in the Clinic: Practical approaches
5. Getting over CBD: A Look into the Other Useful Molecules of the Hemp Plant
6. Saturated CBD Markets: Choosing the right product
7. Hemp Dosing and Legal Basics for Veterinarians
8. Practical Implementation of Hemp Products in Practice (business side, what harm reduction appointments look like, lots of Q&A)