Dr. Dave Bruyette – Endocrinology
About Dave Bruyette, DVM, ACVIM

Dr David Bruyette received his DVM from the University of Missouri in 1984 and completed an internship at Purdue University and residency in internal medicine at the University of California-Davis. Dr Bruyette was an Assistant Professor and Head of Internal Medicine and Director of the Analytical Chemistry Laboratory at Kansas State. Dave was medical Director at the VCA West Los Angeles Animal Hospital from Sept 1996 to Jan 2017. Currently, he is Chief Medical Officer at Anivive Lifesciences and President and CEO of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation and Consultation. Dr Bruyette is a diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.
Presentation Synopsis
1. Diagnosing Hyperadrenocorticism
2. Treating Hyperadrenocorticism
3. Diabetes in Dogs and Cats
4. Insulin Resistant Diabetes
5. Managing Hypothyroidism in Dogs
6. Treating Feline Hyperthyroidism
7. Polyuria and Polydipsia
8. Adrenal Disease in Cats including Cushing’s, Addison’s disease and hyperaldosteronism
9. Feline Acromegaly
10. Canine and Feline Calcium Disorders
11. Hypoglycemia