Dr. Renee Rucinsky – Feline Medicine
About Renee Rucinsky, DVM DABVP Feline

Renee Rucinsky, DVM, DABVP (Feline) is a 1994 graduate of the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine, and has been a board-certified feline specialist since 2002. As a private practice veterinarian, she understands the day to day challenges and management of both primary and referral cases, and enjoys sharing practical tips for managing challenging feline patients. Dr. Rucinsky is the owner of Mid Atlantic Cat Hospital and Mid Atlantic Feline Thyroid Center in Queenstown, Maryland. She has authored multiple national guidelines and book chapters on various topics in feline medicine, and is a frequent lecturer on all things cat.
Presentation Synopsis
1. Diabetes Part 1 Diagnosis and Insulin
2. Diabetes Part 2 SGLT2 Inhibitors (75 min)
3. FIP Update
4. What Are You Missing: 'Other' Feline Endocrinopathies
5. Current Thoughts on Hyperthyroidism
6. Call the Plumber - Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease
7. Geriatric Case Studies