Dr. Patty Lathan – Endocrinology
About Patty Lathan DVM, DACVIM-SAIM

Patty Lathan, VMD, MS, DACVIM, is a Professor of Small Animal Internal Medicine in the Department of Clinical Sciences at Louisiana State University. She earned her VMD from the University of Pennsylvania, then completed an internship at Mississippi State University and a residency in small animal internal medicine at Purdue University. Dr. Lathan specializes in endocrinology, specifically adrenal function testing, diabetes mellitus, and the mitigation of side effects of glucocorticoids. She is currently past-president of the Society for Comparative Endocrinology.
Presentation Synopsis
1. Update on Diabetes Mellitus I
2. Update on Diabetes Mellitus II
3. Case-based Update on Canine Cushing’s I
4. Case-based Update on Canine Cushing’s II
5. Case-based Update on Addison’s I
6. Case-based Update on Addison’s II
7. Pheochromocytomas and Incidentalomas to diagnosis of pets with hypercalcemia.
8. How I Work Up Hypercalcemia
9. Feline endocrinopathies