Dr. Kathleen Cooney – End of Life
About Kathleen Cooney, DVM, CHPV, DACAW resident

Dr. Kathleen Cooney has been practicing advanced end-of-life care since 2006. She is CEO and Director of Education for the Companion Animal Euthanasia Training Academy (CAETA). Dr. Cooney is well-known for her work in companion animal euthanasia and is an author and international speaker on the subject. She is a strong advocate for best practices in all aspects of end-of-life care and loves all things old and gray. Learn more about Dr. Cooney’s accomplishments at caetainternational.com
Presentation Synopsis
1. EOL Care as a Practice Builder: Understanding Animal Hospice
2. The Palliative Care Approach
3. When QOL Scales are Not Enough: Counseling Clients that Can't Let Go
4. Euthanasia ReImagined: Modern Best Practices
5. Sleeping Beauty: Pre-euthanasia Sedation & Anesthesia Protocols
6. Tips and Tricks for a Technically Smooth Euthanasia
7. Euthanasia Team Support
8. Case Discussion and Review