Dr. Elizabeth Thomovsky – Emergency Critical Care
About Elizabeth Thomovsky DVM, DACVECC
Dr. Thomovsky graduated from the University of Missouri in 2001 and subsequently completed an internship at the University of Illinois. She was a general practitioner for three years prior to pursuing her residency in 2008. She then became a faculty member first at the University of Wisconsin and now at Purdue University where she is currently a Clinical Associate Professor in the Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care section.
Presentation Synopsis
1. Approach to Acute Respiratory Distress. (90 minute)
2. What To Do Before You Refer I and II
3. Bandaging 101: Weird Wounds and Fractures
4. Reproductive ERs in Brachycephalics
5. How To Approach the Neonate Part I and Part II
6. Acute Seizures In Dogs and Cats
7. Emergency ECG Interpretation
8. Dystocia and Neonatal Resuscitation
9. Common Fungal Diseases and Their Treatment
10. Diabetic Ketoacidosis: For the First 24 Hours
11. Air Where It Doesn't Belong