Dr. Carolyn McKune – Anesthesia
About Carolyn McKune DVM, DACVAA
Dr. Carolyn McKune, a Spartan, received her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) from Michigan State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine. After a year of private practice, Carolyn followed her husband to Washington State University to instruct students on common soft tissue procedures. The need for structured perioperative patient advocacy incited Carolyn to learn more; she went on to complete an internship at Washington State University and a residency in Anesthesia and Critical Patient Care at UC Davis. In 2009, she became a boarded Diplomate of the American College of Anesthesia and Analgesia (www.acvaa.org).
After spending nearly three years as anesthesia faculty at the University of Florida, Carolyn owned her own independent veterinary anesthesia consultancy, Mythos Veterinary LLC. That experience provided her the opportunity to work at universities and veterinary centers all over the globe. While she took a brief hiatus of six years to serve as Chief Anesthesiologist and Medical Director for BluePearl of Gainesville (formerly Affiliated Veterinary Specialists), she has returned to the anesthesia consulting life! As life is often so clever at, Carolyn also found the time had come to give back to the community she so loves, as well. She is pleased now to volunteer with a 501c3 Charity, St. Francis Pet Care Clinic (www.stfrancispetcare.org) as well as serve as the proud owner of Mythos Veterinary (wwwmythosvet.com)—veterinary anesthesia that keeps climbing!
Presentation Synopsis
1. Morbidity and Mortality in Small Animal Anesthesia
2. Tiered Pain Management
3. Endocrinopathies and Anesthesia
4. Cardiovascular Disease and Anesthesia
5. Anesthesia Monitoring
6. Case Series: Sedation or Anesthesia?
7. Shared talk between Cital/McKune: Anesthesia tips and tricks