Dr. Stephen J. Divers – Reptile and Exotic Medicine
About Stephen J Divers, BVetMed, DZooMed, DECZM(Herp), DECZM(ZHM), DACZM, FRCVS

Dr. Stephen Divers graduated from the Royal Veterinary College in London in 1994. He obtained his Certificate and Diploma in Zoological Medicine from the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS), and is a recognized Specialist in Zoo & Wildlife Medicine and a Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. He is a Diplomate of both the American and European Colleges of Zoological Medicine (Herpetology and Zoo Health Management).
He is a past-president of the Association of Reptilian and Amphibian Veterinarians, scientific editor of the Journal of Herpetological Medicine & Surgery and an associate editor for the Journal of Zoo & Wildlife Medicine. He has served on the ABVP subspecialties in small mammal and herpetological medicine, and was involved with the establishment of the zoological companion animal (exotic pet) examination through the ACZM, as well as the European College of Zoological Medicine, herpetology and zoo health management subspecialties.
Dr Divers has lectured at over 80 national or international conferences across the Americas, Europe and Australasia. He has twice received the Best Speaker Award at the North American Veterinary Conference and the International Conference on Exotics, and was voted “Exotic DVM of the Year” in 2006. Stephen heads the Zoological Medicine Service and supervises the zoological residency program (currently at 4 residents) at the College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia, USA. He has over 150 publications to his name including various editorships, book chapters, and scientific journal papers. He is co-editor of the recently published 3rd edition of Mader’s Reptile and Amphibian Medicine and Surgery.
Presentation Synopsis
1. Reptile anesthesia
2. Reptile surgery 75 min
3. Reptile radiography
4. Reptile clinical pathology
5. Reptile reproductive disease
6. Reptile nephrology and renal disease
7. Understanding and learning from medical errors in exotic animal practice
8. Avian radiography
9. Avian Anesthesia
10. Introduction to exotic animal surgery
11. Reptile and avian radiography
12. Avian pulmonology and respiratory disease
13. Avian surgery
14. An introduction to exotic animal endoscopy