Dr. Lindsey Bullen – Nutrition
About Dr. Lindsey Bullen, DVM, DACVIM (Nutrition)

Lindsey grew up in a small town near Asheville, North Carolina. Though not quite a full native of this beautiful state, she is happy to still call it home. She currently lives in Apex with her husband, Nathan, and their two boys, 5-year-old, Arthur and 2-year-old, Rowan.
Presentation Synopsis
1. Nutrition for the Nephron- Kidney
2. A Tale of 2 Kitties- Managing a Multicat Household
3. Weight Loss and Mobility
4. Complicated Kitty- Flutd and Comorbidities
5. Feline Diabetes Mellitus
6. A Pain in the Gut- Feline IBD
7. Pet Food Labels 101
8. An Inconvenient Truth (Review of Nutrition Myths)
9. Battling Inappetence (Appetite Regulation, Appetite Stimulants, and More)
10. Diet and DCM
11. Liver Let Die (Nutritional Management for the Liver Patient)
12. To Pee or Not to Pee (Nutritional Management for FLUTD and Urolithiasis)
13. The Art of Assisted Feeding
14. It's Not a Diet, It's a Lifestyle Change (Weight Loss Basics)
15. Nutrition in Practice (Making Nutrition Work for You)
16. What's in a Label? How to Read a Pet Food Label
17. Navigating Pet Food Trends
18. Nutrition for the Nephron
19. Probiotics- Hope or Hype
20. A Pain in the Pancreas
21. Diarrhea is Not Normal (Management of Chronic Enteropathies)
22. Let Food be Thy Medicine (Supporting the Oncologic Patient)
23. Nutrition 101 (Understanding the Basics)
24. Confusion to Comprehension (Client Communications in an Age of Telemedicine)