Dr. Erik Zager – Emergency Critical Care

About Erik Zager, DVM, DACVECC


Dr. Erik Zager, DVM, DACVECC is a board-certified Emergency and Critical Care specialist, managing partner, and department head of the Emergency and Critical Care services at Philadelphia Animal Specialty and Emergency (PASE).
Dr. Zager attended Bucknell University in Pennsylvania where he earned a bachelor of arts in animal behavior. He went on to Cornell University for his doctor of veterinary medicine. After earning his DVM in 2013 he completed a rotating internship in small animal medicine and surgery at the New York City Animal Medical Center. He followed his rotating internship with a specialty internship in emergency and critical care at Tufts University in Massachusetts. He returned to Cornell University for his 3-year emergency and critical care residency. Following his residency, Dr. Zager moved to Hong Kong to set up a critical care department at one of Asia’s few veterinary specialty hospitals. After 3 years in Hong Kong, Dr. Zager returned to the USA to help found Philadelphia Animal Speciality and Emergency.
Dr. Zager has a passion for teaching, presenting at veterinary medical conferences throughout the country. His other professional interests include the treatment of heat stroke, sepsis, endocrine emergencies, intoxications, and the use of focused ultrasound in the critically ill. Outside of work he enjoys traveling, hiking, and baking. He has a cat and a Shiba Inu.


Presentation Synopsis

1. Respiratory Distress Part 1
2. Respiratory Distress Part 2
3. Feline Urethral Obstruction
4. Shock
5. The Acute Abdomen
6. Sedation and Analgesia in the ER
7. Parvo and Panleukopenia
8. Heatstroke
9. Advanced Fluid Therapy and Acid-Base Evaluation Part 1
10. Advanced Fluid Therapy and Acid-Base Evaluation Part 2
11. Coagulation Testing