Dr. Carrie Santare – Neurology
About Carrie Lynn Santare, DVM DACVIM (Neurology)

Dr. Carrie Santare received her degree from Cornell University's College of Veterinary Medicine in 2010. She then completed a rotating internship in Small Animal Medicine and Surgery at the Veterinary Referral and Emergency Centers of Norwalk and Shoreline, CT and a Neurology/Neurosurgery internship at Gulf Coast Veterinary Specialists in Houston, TX. Her residency in neurology and neurosurgery was performed at the University of Florida. She has been board certified in veterinary neurology since 2015 and holds a certification in neurosurgery from the ACVIM. She has built the Neurology service in a busy specialty and emergency/critical care center in Long Island, NY where she practiced for 7 years and currently works at Live Oak Veterinary Specialists in Savannah, GA. Her career started with Information Technology and Biomedical Photography which paved the way to her love for veterinary medicine and ultimately, Neurology. Dr. Santare's professional interests include MR Imaging, management of intervertebral disc disease, atlanto-axial subluxation stabilization, and vascular diseases.
Presentation Synopsis
1. Neurology 101
2. Neurolocalization - Well, There’s Your Problem
3. Seizures - Maintenance and ER 75 min
4. You Spin Me Right Round - Vestibular Disease
5. Nutritions Roll in Canine Cognitive Dysfunction
6. What a Pain in the Neck - Causes of Neck Pain
7. Spinal Radiology
8. When Bigger isn't Better - Cancer of the Central Nervous System
9. This is Your Brain on Drugs - Neuropharmacology
10. Nutritions Roll in Canine Cognitive Dysfunction