Dr. Lysa Pam Posner – Anesthesia
About Lysa Pam Posner DVM, DACVAA

Dr Posner has a BS in biochemistry from Purdue University. She completed her DVM at Cornell University and spent 9 years in private veterinary practice. She returned to Cornell to complete a Residency in Anesthesiology and completed her board certification with the American College of Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia. She was on Faculty at Cornell for 5 years and has been on Faculty at North Carolina State University since 2005. She is currently a Professor of Anesthesiology, the Director of Anesthesia Services, and Anesthesiology Residency Program Director.
Presentation Synopsis
1. Pain pathway: normal anatomy and physiology of how pain is generated and perceived.
2. Central and peripheral sensitization: changes to the pain pathway that exacerbate pain perception.
3. Traditional Analgesics: review of traditional drug classes and traditional techniques for treating pain in small animals
4. Novel Analgesics: Introduction of novel drug classes and non-traditional techniques for treating pain in small animals
5. Treatment of chronic pain: discussion on the different strategies for treating patients with chronic pain.
6. Pain scoring: Discussion on pain scoring techniques that can be used in general practice
7. Case presentations on small animal patients in pain
8. Hospice care: Discussion on theory and techniques for pain management during end of life
9. Local blocks
10. Anesthesia agents: what’s new?
11. Why bother with anesthesia monitoring?
12. Anesthesia for critical patients
13. Fluid therapy and anesthesia