Online Conference Neurology and Surgery October 2025

October 7 - 9, 2025

Neurology – Dr. Carrie Santare
Surgery - Dr. Larie Allen

This is an on-line CE conference, that is RACE approved as live interactive, featuring Dr. Carrie Santare and Dr. Larie Allen We offer this CE using the NEW VetVacationCE APP. You can earn up to 15 hours of CE with your participation in our Vet Vacation conference. Conference classes will be held  following the same schedule as the live event in GRAND CAYMAN!

Early Bird:  All three days $429 and One day $189. 5 CE hours per day before September 7th then pricing will increase to $499 and $219.

Individual CE certificates will be available through the APP at the end of the meeting.

October 7, 2025
11:00-12:30pm CT Virtual Doors Open!
11:30-12:20pm Proper Use of Legal Entities for Lawsuit Protection and Tax Reduction Bonus
12:30-12:40 Welcome
12:40-1:30pm Wound Healing and Bandage Review
1:40-2:55pm Fracture Management: Really It’s Easy - Liberia: Brief Review
2:55-3:15pm BREAK
3:15-4:30pm Seizures - Maintenance and ER
4:40-5:30pm Neurology 101

October 8, 2025
7:30-8am CT VIRTUAL Doors open!
8-8:50am Neurolocalization - Well, There’s Your Problem
9-9:50am Spinal Radiology
10-10:50am The "Down" Dog - I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up
10:50-11:10am BREAK
11:10–12noon The Ins and Outs of Surgical Tumors
12:10-1pm Surgical Oncology: Techniques and Reconstruction

October 9, 2025
7:30-8am CT VIRTUAL Doors open!
8-8:50am Suture and Staple Review: Where, When, and Why?
9-9:50am Approach to Crypt Orchid Surgeries: the Good, Bad, and the Ugly
10-10:50am Unusual Findings in Routine Abdominal Surgeries
10:50-11:10am BREAK
11:10–12noon What a Pain in the Neck - Causes of Neck Pain
12:10-1pm You Spin Me Right Round - Vestibular Disease
1pm VetVacationCE Concludes: BOOK YOUR NEXT VET VACATION!



Online Veterinary Conference 2025:  Earn 15 Hours of Virtual Live Interactive Continuing Education!! Dr. Carrie Lynn Santare and Dr. Larie Allen are experts in the field of Neurology and Surgery! Topics and biographies are below.

The virtual video and audio webinar platform for our Online Veterinary Conference 2025 allows for the following:

  • The speaker’s slide presentation will be on your device screen.
  • You will hear the speaker audio.
  • You will be able to raise your hand to ask questions and get rapid response answers.
  • We will make this as interactive as possible.
  • We will send you a link to access the conference.
  • A digital CE certificate of completion will be available by scanning the QR code at the conclusion of each day with the VetVacationCE APP.

Prior to the conference, we will email you the notes and links to the event.

VetVacationCE registration for this Live Interactive Veterinary Conference is $429 for the 3 day conference or $189 per day. Each day is 5 hours of CE until September 7th then rates will increase to $499 and $219.

You can view our other Online Veterinary Conference 2025 here

See what other participants have to say about our in person and online courses here

Benefits to Live Interactive Online Veterinary Conference 2025 are:

  • Ability to select from a variety of topics led by world renowned specialists
  • Learn from a safe comfortable environment of your choice
  • Access the best educators in the world
  • Lower fees
  • Replays available upon request
  • Increase your skill level
  • Stay up to date on new treatments and standards of care within the profession
  • No need to travel – lower your carbon footprint

Whether you decide to learn with us in person or online, we guarantee an enjoyable learning experience with VetVacationCE.

Additional information

Choose Schedule

October 7 – 9 (3 days) $429, October 7 only $189, October 8 only $189, October 9 only $189


Carrie Lynn Santare, DVM DACVIM (Neurology)

Dr. Carrie Santare received her degree from Cornell University's College of Veterinary Medicine in 2010.  She then completed a rotating internship in Small Animal Medicine and Surgery at the Veterinary Referral and Emergency Centers of Norwalk and Shoreline, CT and a Neurology/Neurosurgery internship at Gulf Coast Veterinary Specialists in Houston, TX.  Her residency in neurology and neurosurgery was performed at the University of Florida. She has been board certified in veterinary neurology since 2015 and holds a certification in neurosurgery from the ACVIM.  She has built the Neurology service in a busy specialty and emergency/critical care center in Long Island, NY where she practiced for 7 years and currently works at Live Oak Veterinary Specialists in Savannah, GA. Her career started with Information Technology and Biomedical Photography which paved the way to her love for veterinary medicine and ultimately, Neurology.  Dr. Santare's professional interests include MR Imaging, management of intervertebral disc disease, atlanto-axial subluxation stabilization, and vascular diseases.

Presentation Synopsis

1. Neurology 101
2. Neurolocalization - Well, There’s Your Problem
3. Seizures - Maintenance and ER 75 min
4. You Spin Me Right Round - Vestibular Disease
5. Nutritions Roll in Canine Cognitive Dysfunction
6. What a Pain in the Neck - Causes of Neck Pain
7. Spinal Radiology
8. When Bigger isn't Better - Cancer of the Central Nervous System
9. This is Your Brain on Drugs - Neuropharmacology
10. Nutritions Roll in Canine Cognitive Dysfunction


Larie Allen, DVM, DACVS ACVS Founding Fellow

Dr. Larie Allen is a board certified small animal surgeon. She completed her undergraduate studies at Indiana University and gained early entry into veterinary school. She earned her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from the University of Florida in 1993. After graduation, she completed a small animal rotating internship at Angell Memorial Animal Hospital in Boston, followed by a surgical residency at The Animal Medical Center in New York City. She then pursued additional expertise in surgical oncology by completing a fellowship at Colorado State University in 1999.

While Dr. Allen’s primary interest lies in oncologic surgeries, she also enjoys performing various surgeries including: orthopedic surgeries such as, TPLOs and TTAs, fractures, advanced soft tissue surgeries, and neurosurgery. Dr. Allen is one of the few surgeons in the country included in the Veterinary Society for Surgical Oncology.

Dr. Allen is a native Floridian but has made the Rockies and Colorado home. She has been a member of the Wheat Ridge Animal Hospital team for 9 years where she is also the Associate Medical Director. She loves hiking, skiing, and traveling.

Presentation Synopsis

1. The Ins and Outs of Surgical Tumors: A review of diagnostics, staging and treatment for a variety of tumors. (90 minutes)
2. Advances in Surgical Oncology: Describing new surgical techniques and new treatment options for different types of tumors.
3. Surgical Oncology: Techniques and Reconstruction. A discussion of surgical techniques and suture material to enhance wound closure following challenging mass excisions.
4. Making Wound Healing Fun: A review of the different materials and techniques for better wound healing with case presentations.
5. Unusual Findings in Routine Abdominal Surgeries: A discussion on the variety of findings in abdominal surgeries and how to best prepare and treat.
6. Fracture Management: Really It’s Easy: An interactive review of anatomy, diagnosis and treatment of many types of fractures and the surgical/non surgical options. (90 minutes)
7. Suture and Staple Review: Where, When, and Why?
8. Approach to Crypt Orchid Surgeries: the Good, Bad, and the Ugly
9. Librela: Brief Review