Online Conference Exotic Pet Medicine September 2025

September 17 - 19, 2025

Exotic Pet Medicine – Dr. Alyssa Scagnelli
Exotic Pet Medicine – Dr. Emi Knafo

This is an on-line CE conference, that is RACE approved as live interactive, featuring Dr. Alyssa Scagnelli and Dr. Emi Knafo We offer this CE using the NEW VetVacationCE APP. You can earn up to 15 hours of CE with your participation in our Vet Vacation conference. Conference classes will be held  following the same schedule as the live event in SANTA FE New Mexico!

Early Bird:  All three days $429 and One day $189. 5 CE hours per day before August 17th then pricing will increase to $499 and $219.

Individual CE certificates will be available through the APP at the end of the meeting.

September 17, 2025
12:30pm-1pm MT VIRTUAL Doors Open
1-1:10pm Welcome
1:10-2:25pm From Falconry to the Wild: Bridging Medicine for Captive and Free-Ranging Raptors
2:35-3:25pm Are You Flocking Kidding Me? (Backyard Chicken Medicine)
3:25-3:45pm BREAK
3:45-4:35pm Avian Anesthesia
4:45-6pm Avian Reproductive Disease - Medicine and Surgery

September 18, 2025
7:30-8am MT VIRTUAL Doors open!
8-8:50am Rabbit Anesthesia
9-9:50am Rabbit Soft Tissue Surgery
10am-10:50am Rabbit Dentistry
10:50-11:10am BREAK
11:10–12noon Rabbit Abdominal Emergencies
12:10-1pm “Hold the Sweets!”: Updates on Sugar Glider Nutrition and Disease

September 19, 2025
7:30-8am MT VIRTUAL Doors open!
8-8:50am Veterinary Mythology: Eminence-Based vs. Evidence-Based Medicine
9-9:50am Beyond the Bulb: Advanced Reptile Husbandry
10-10:50am Updates on Reptilian Infectious Disease
10:50 –11:10pm BREAK
11:10-12noon Honey Bee Medicine
12:10-1pm Cloacal Prolapse



Online Veterinary Conference 2025:  Earn 15 Hours of Virtual Live Interactive Continuing Education!! Dr. Emi Knafo and Dr. Alyssa Scagnelli are experts in the field of Exotic Pet medicine! Topics and biographies are below.

The virtual video and audio webinar platform for our Online Veterinary Conference 2025 allows for the following:

  • The speaker’s slide presentation will be on your device screen.
  • You will hear the speaker audio.
  • You will be able to raise your hand to ask questions and get rapid response answers.
  • We will make this as interactive as possible.
  • We will send you a link to access the conference.
  • A digital CE certificate of completion will be available by scanning the QR code at the conclusion of each day with the VetVacationCE APP.

Prior to the conference, we will email you the notes and links to the event.

VetVacationCE registration for this Live Interactive Veterinary Conference is $429 for the 3 day conference or $189 per day. Each day is 5 hours of CE until August  17th then rates will increase to $499 and $219.

You can view our other Online Veterinary Conference 2025 here

See what other participants have to say about our in person and online courses here

Benefits to Live Interactive Online Veterinary Conference 2025 are:

  • Ability to select from a variety of topics led by world renowned specialists
  • Learn from a safe comfortable environment of your choice
  • Access the best educators in the world
  • Lower fees
  • Replays available upon request
  • Increase your skill level
  • Stay up to date on new treatments and standards of care within the profession
  • No need to travel – lower your carbon footprint

Whether you decide to learn with us in person or online, we guarantee an enjoyable learning experience with VetVacationCE.

Additional information

Choose Schedule

September 17 – 19 (3 days) $429, September 17 only $189, September 18 only $189, September 19 only $189

Exotic Pet Medicine

Alyssa Scagnelli, DVM

Dr. Alyssa Scagnelli received her DVM from the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine in 2015. After graduation, she completed companion animal and zoological internships at the Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine. From 2017-2024, Dr. Scagnelli was an associate veterinarian at the Avian and Exotic Animal Clinic in Mesa, Arizona. During this time, she provided care to zoological companion animals and native wildlife. She was also adjunct faculty at Midwestern University School of Veterinary Medicine in Glendale, Arizona. As adjunct, her predominant focus was on clinical research as it pertained to exotic animal medicine. She is currently faculty at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine. She enjoys teaching and clinical research and is most passionate about reptile and aquatic animal medicine. In her spare time, Dr. Scagnelli can be found outdoors – rock climbing, hiking, kayaking and gardening are her favorite activities. She also loves to travel with her husband and explore the oceans via SCUBA diving. She is mom to numerous fish, reptiles, birds, and two dogs as well.

Presentation Synopsis

1. Beyond the Bulb: Advanced Reptile Husbandry
2. Updates on Reptilian Infectious Disease
3. Rabbit Abdominal Emergencies
4. “Hold the Sweets!”: Updates on Sugar Glider Nutrition and Disease
5. Veterinary Mythology: Eminence-Based vs. Evidence-Based Medicine
6. Are You Flocking Kidding Me? (Backyard Chicken Medicine)
7. From Falconry to the Wild: Bridging Medicine for Captive and Free-Ranging Raptors

Exotic Pet Medicine

S. Emi Knafo, DVM, DACZM

Dr. Emi Knafo completed her veterinary (DVM) training at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University in 2008. During her veterinary training, she received a competitive research grant and award from the Morris Animal Foundation to study free-ranging zebra in northern Kenya. She then completed internships in large animal surgery and zoological medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Georgia, respectively. Dr. Knafo continued her clinical training with a zoological medicine residency at Cornell University, after which time she joined the faculty in the Zoological Companion Animal Medicine Service at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University from 2014-2018. Subsequently, Dr. Knafo joined the Exotics Service at Red Bank Veterinary Hospital in Tinton Falls, NJ before coming to the University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine as a Clinical Assistant Professor of Zoological Medicine in 2022.

Presentation Synopsis

1. Avian Anesthesia
2. Rabbit Anesthesia
3. Avian Regional Limb Perfusion “How To”
4. Avian Reproductive Disease - Medicine and Surgery (75 min)
5. Cloacal Prolapse
6. Rabbit Soft Tissue Surgery
7. Honey Bee Medicine
8. Reptile Reproductive Disease - Medicine and Surgery
9. Rabbit Dentistry (can be 75min)